Tuesday, January 1, 2019

SLJ W3 D1 A3

Week 3
Day 1
Activity 3: Burning Up… [15 points]

For this activity, I was asked to use this information to create a graph. The graph should have a
title along with the names of each city and their hottest recorded temperatures. I could draw
the graph by hand or use a computer programme like Google Draw to create my graph.
Here is the temperatures: Dallol: 41oC; Dasht-e Loot: 71oC; Tirat Zvi: 54oC; Kabili: 55oC;
Bandar-e Mahshahr: 51oC. Crazy ‘eh?!
If you can not see what the names are they are in the same order up above where it says what
the temperature is.
I drew my graph here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess,

    You've done a superb job on this graph! It's really great to see that you have labelled each bar to show us what place it represents. You have also correctly labelled both scales and I am able to clearly read and understand what is going on in this graph. I also like that you have used a ruler to make your lines nice and clean, brilliant work Jess!

    It's crazy to think that there is a place on earth that can reach the temperature of 71 degrees Celcius, right? I'll be sitting in my living room on a summer day in New Zealand, it will be barely 26 degrees Celcius and I'm already complaining that it's too hot! I went to South Africa last month and the days were in the early 30's degrees Celcius. I was so exhausted from the heat there! Are you more of a summer person or a winter person? I definitely prefer the cold over the hot! At least in the winter, you can keep yourself warm with layers and layers of soft, fluffy blankets and some hot chocolate!

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :)


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