Saturday, January 13, 2018

Day 4: Perms and Lycra (The 1980’s)

Day 4: Perms and Lycra (The 1980’s)

For this activity I have to finish the rest of the story.

“Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy…”

He is going for his daily walk to the dog park.  Hairy smells lots of smells at the dog park and looks across the field and sees Wal - his bestest friend from school that he hasn't seen for years.  They run up to each other and do their secret handshake.  Hairy Maclary says "What have you been up to Wal?"
Wal says "I am living in a palace with the queen.  I am one of her corgi's.  I am her favourite corgi."
Hairy says "Coooool!"
Wal says "I know right!"
Hairy asks Wal "Do you want to come to my place?"
Wal answers "OK, but I will have to bring my pup Cashew.  He is very cute.  Is that alright with you?"
"No problem, I would love to meet Cashew" replies Hairy Maclary.
"Here he comes" says Wal.  Cashew comes running up to Wal and Hairy and says "Who's this?"
Wal answers "This is my mate from high school.  We use to be in the same class.We use to play tug-o-war together at breaks."
"C'mon, lets go to my house" says Hairy Maclary.
"Why are we going to his house?" asked Cashew.
"To stay the night" replied Wal.
"Yay!" Cashew yelled, "where do you live?"
"Just a couple of blocks away" Hairy pointed in the direction of his house.  "Race you there" Hairy yelled!
They all sprinted their hearts out chasing each other.  Cashew was way behind the others.  Hairy and Wal stopped for a break and meet a cat called Anzac and his friend Zippy.  They were nice cats so they chatted a while.  Then..... Zoooom! Cashew flies past like lightning.  Hairy yells "Run!!!"
Wal yells "Bye Anzac and Zippy" as he chases after Cashew and Hairy.
They all end up at Hairys house at the same time and argue who won the race.  Yapping and laughing they go inside for a drink of water.
Wal and Cashew have a great time at Hairy's house and later that day go home to the palace.
As Hairy snuggled into bed that night he had a big smile on his face because he had a great day with his friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess

    What a fantastic story! I really enjoyed reading it.
    I love that Hairy Maclary made a new friend and went on an adventure. Imagine making friends with on of the Queens corgis!

    You have done a great job with using your punctuation in this story. I really like that you have used the rule that every time a different person speaks you start on a new line. Well done Jess.

    I love the names that you have given to all the animals, Cashew is great name for a small corgi. That's just what a small caramel corgi would look like! And Anzac and Zippy are awesome names too.

    I love the ending how Hairy snuggles up in his bed, happy! because he has had such a great day racing around with his new friends.

    Great Story Jess. I am sure that Lynley Dodd would love to read this new adventure too. She would love it.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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