Sunday, January 20, 2019

SLJ W4 D5 A3 Last One

Week 4
Day 5
Last activity Activity 3: Concluding the Journey [10 points

SLJ W4 D5 A2

Week 4
Day 5
Activity 2: Adoption Day [4 points]

On my blog, list the three animals that I have chosen and then compare and contrast
them. How are they similar? How are they different? At the bottom of my post, tell you
which of the three animals I would most like to adopt..

I would want the turtle but I do not have a big ocean for it to swim because I think they
grow quite big so it would not fit in a fish tank.  I would want the fox but I would not
have snow for it to live in. I do have two other birds so I would know a bit about them
I could get a cage for the parrot so that's the one that I would probably choose.

SLJ W4 D5 A1

Week 4

DAY 5: The Sky’s the Limit!

Activity 1: Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution [4 points]

Today I am telling you three things that I could do to help save the planet.

I can:
Use reusable straws
Use reusable drink bottles
Use reusable bags

This will help save the environment because it won't be in the ocean or anywhere.

Photo sourced from the SLJ

SLJ W4 D4 A3

Week 4
Day 4
Activity 3: Restricted Access [10 points

Today I am saying what  I think about the government’s decision to restrict the number of
tourists able to visit this special site. Is it fair? Be sure to tell you why I feel the way that
I do.

I think that it is fair because they are ruining the land but I think that they
should come up with something so people can still see the place,  take lots
of photos and put them on some site or do helicopter rides over it or
maybe make more rules about it. I have not been there but I would love
to do it one day.

Photo sourced from the SLJ

SLJ W4 D4 A2

Week 4
Day 4
Activity 2: The Plastic Pledge [4 points]

What I think about countdown stopping plastic bags and what someone in my family thinks.

I think
that it is good that countdown other places are stopping plastic bags because if you walk on
the beach  you can see it everywhere and it's killing all the sea life But I also find it annoying
because Plastic bags are handy for lots of things to Put all your rubbish in or anything like that
and now you can't use them. For a while it was ok because they had only stopped them in
countdown and I shop at new world but now New world has stop the Plastic bag as well so
we have got basically none left at home.

What mum thinks
I believe that it's a good start but there is a lot of other plastic that should be looked at before
plastic bags.  We use the plastic bags for a lot of other uses, not just groceries and now people
are buying more processed plastic to carry their groceries in.  Plastic is an environmental
concern and we all need to contribute to minimising this. I would have preferred packaging to
have been a focus alongside the single use plastic bags as I think the packaging on foods,
toys and other consumables is far to overused and very unnecessary.  

SLJ W4 D4 A1

Week 4
DAY 4: Making Promises
Activity 1: Campaigning for Conservation [4 points]

Today I have tell you which campaign I have chosen to support and provide you with a
slogan for that campaign.
I am doing Plastic pledge

I have created this on google drawings

SLJ W4 D3 A3

SLJ W4 D3 A2

Week 4
Day 3
Activity 2: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction? [4 points]

Today I have to write 3 facts true and 3 false and then you have to guess what are true and
what are false about Maui Dolphins

  1. Maui and Hector dolphins have round fin’s but other dolphins have sharp fins.
  2. Maui dolphins are the biggest type of dolphins.
  3. Females grow to 1.7 m long and weigh up to 50 kg. Males are slightly smaller and lighter.
  4. The only thing in common between maui and hector dolphins is there fins
  5. There are 65 Maui dolphins left
  6. Baby Maui dolphins are called a calf

What facts are true and what are false?

SLJ W4 D3 A1

Week 4
DAY 3: Taking Action
Activity 1: Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms [4 points]

Today I have to watch these 3 video’s and after say what one I am most interested in and why

Predator Free Video #1: Cacophony Project
Predator Free Video #2: Taranaki Mounga Project
Predator Free Video #3: Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP)
I am most interested in the #1 video because I found it crazy that the person who
was selling the house did not care to say that the house was invaded with rats.
I like that they are trying to get rid of them. I would not like it if my house was
invaded with rats. It would take a lot of work to get them out of the house. He
would have been pretty determine to get them out. I think that he would
sometimes want to give up cleaning the house.
I did also find the third video interesting because it was about the West Coast
where I live and how they are trying to save the birds and nature.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

SLJ W4 D2 A3

Week 4
Day 2
Activity 3: A House is Not a Home [10 points]
Today I have to read 3 things and then write what one I would most like. I have written down
what they are  about here:

1. This one is about Lansan trees because people are getting the resin out of them. People are
cutting down the trees or hurting the trees and soon after they end up dying. So they found a
safe way to get the resin out without killing the trees.

2. This one is about trees that are getting to very low number so they have to protect the
important genetics. They are educating people at school and planting more plants.

3.This one is about a big place with lots of animals and trees there.  They have turned it into a
reserve which is a safe place for the wildlife.  They protect them from hunters killing them.
It is very big so they have made a smaller protected sight inside the bigger reserve with more
people there than other places in the reserve.  Lots of the wildlife live in this smaller reserve.
They chose this place because lots of the wildlife lived there already.

I think the second one interests me the most because I think that it is bad that the trees are
getting to such a low number but it is good that they are replanting them and educating people
in schools to protect the trees.

SLJ W4 D2 A2

Week 4
Day 2
Activity 2: A Protective Plant [4 points]

Today I am listing 10 veggies, fruits, or herbs that I would plant in my garden.

I would plant:
  1. Tomato
  2. Strawberrys
  3. Mint
  4. Sweetcorn
  5. Peas
  6. Potato
  7. Kumara
  8. carrots
  9. Siverbeat
  10. Brockley

I love gardening but I hate it when you have to do the weeding.  I like to plant new plants.
I have a garden at my house and I love to eat the peas and strawberries from it.  So do
my goats!

SLJ W4 D2 A1

Week 4

DAY 2: Protecting Our Own

Activity 1: A Flying Fox [4 points]

Today I am telling you how I would feel about going ziplining in Rotorua. Trying to use
some descriptive words (adjectives) and action words (verbs) in my post!.

I have alway loved going on ziplines. When I went on a holiday down south at Queenstown I
went on a zipline and it was really fun but it did not go that far because it ended really quick.
I remember before I did it I was really nervous but it was easy so I think I will be nervous and
scared but I would be excited because I would remember when I did it.  
My teeth chatter, my mind twitches, the hair sticks up on my spine. I get excited but I’m nervous.
I am jumping up and down. I am so excited. I can not wait.

Best Ziplining locations around the world

Friday, January 11, 2019

SLJ W4 D1 A3

Week 4
Day 1
Activity 3: The Sky in Shanghai [10 points]

Today I have to make a poem to describe how I would feel going to Beijing China

The hair sticks up on my spine
My mind is thinking fine
It sounds divine but
I fear the smog is deadly there

“Pollution Blue” No More: Beijing Authorities Modify Smog Alert System

SLJ W4 D1 A2

Week 4
Day 1
Activity 2: Guardians of the Sea [4 points]

Today I have to tell you whether, or not, I believe that taniwha exist. Be sure to explain to
you why I feel this way.

  • I think that it might not be real because:
It could just be a fish
Sometimes the thing that people think they see is not real because it is proven to be something
  • I think it might be real because:
Lots of people believe it  
There are lots Maori legends about them
People think that they might have spotted them.

I think it is bad that the river got polluted because I know that I like to swim in rivers so it would
be bad I couldn’t.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

SLJ W4 D1 A1

Week 4

DAY 1: Preserving the Past

Activity 1: World of Wearable (WOW) Art [4 points
Today I have to  list five interview questions that I would like to ask Dame Suzie Moncrieff.

  1. What products did you use to make it
  2. How long did it take to make it
  3. Where did you come up with this design
  4. Who helped you make it
  5. What is your favourite part of the dress

This year's Supreme Award and David Jones Avant Garde Section winner 'Supernova' by Gillian

SLJ W3 D5 A3

Week 3
Day 5
Activity 3: Let It Rain [10 points]

Today I have to imagine that New Zealand was hit by a massive acid rain storm. Acidic rain fell
for three days and three nights. When the rain fell, I stayed inside with my friends and family.
When it stopped, however, me and my family decided to go for a walk outside. I opened the
door and...

On my blog, write a short story about what happened when I opened the door and walked
outside after the acid rain storm. To earn full points, I must write a story that is 8 – 10
sentences long.

My jaw drops, my eyes pop! Its silent, not a bird in sight. The trees are
scattered everywhere If you try to take a step you will stand on one. It’s a
spectacular view but a view you want to see in movies not in real life.There
are puddles everywhere they are the size of a lakes. As I stumble over to
the beach I see all the shells in the water that have died from the acid rain.
I am hoping this is a dream but I know it isn’t. I think good thing we were in
side! We all start to pick up the rubbish that wasn’t there before and we
think well this is what we are going to be doing for the next few days! :(
Image result for acid rain storm

Sourced Google images