Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Persuasive Writing

Jess 25.2.19
1080 Shouldn’t Be Banned

No, 1080 should not be banned! I am going to tell you why. My reasons are: kills
pests, increase numbers and protects plants.

One, it kills the pest for example, rodents, possums and stoats. There are far too
many in New Zealand so we need to limit the amount. The pests are killing the
animals so the 1080 is killing the pest so we have more animals.  Lots of people
are saying that the 1080 is killing the animals and birds. I think the pests are just
going to go and kill the animals if we don't use 1080 and the animals should not
be going in to the 1080 zones. If animals or stock are going to go in the zones
their is a high possibility that the animals are going to eat it then die so the owner
should keep them away from it. Did you know that the possums are bad for farms
because possums carry TB which is devastating when it gets into cows or sheep.

I do understand why people don't like it when 1080 goes in the waterways but the
people should not be dropping it in the wrong places. If they are being careful
where they are putting it it's okay. Some people think that 1080 is killing the trees
but the pests are as well by putting diseases on the the tree then the trees soon
die off.

When I drive out to my house when it is dark you will see a possums or stoats
every time. It will be very unlikely that you will not see one. I think that 1080 is
bad how it is killing the animals and birds but we need to use it until someone
finds something new to use that will not kill the animals and but will kill the pests.
Don´t you agree, keep 1080, keep 1080?

Notes to support my argument
Here are some things I found out on a website:
95% of kiwi chicks are killed by stoats in uncontrolled areas.
By using 1080 to manage possum, rat and stoat populations, it allow birds to
breed and survive and allowing plants to grow and flower.They did a test on 2
lakes with one with 1080 on it and one without. They were seeing how many blue
ducks were there. And 30 percent was on one without the 1080 and 36 percent
with it.

  • If its use threatened human health, DOC would not use it.
  • If the risks were too high, DOC would not use it.
  • If it did not work, DOC would not use it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Persuasive writing

Should plastic bags be banned.

Yes, plastic bags should be banned. I am going to tell you why. My reason are
killing animals fish etc, not reusable, too much and need to start somewhere.

The first reason is that it is killing the animals and fish. All the plastic is getting
into our waterways and then the fish start to eat it then die. There are some bad
photos of the ocean with plastic all though it. It can kill the animals because they
could choke on it but it can also get tangle around their limbs and cut off their
circulation then they will die. It’s not reusable so people just throw it out then it
ends up in the ocean.

The second reason is that there is way too much in the word. On average we
only recycle one plastic bag in every 200 we use. Each year, an estimated 500
billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are bought worldwide. That comes out to over one
million per minute.That is way too much.

I don’t think that plastic bags will stop all the plastic going everywhere because
there is plastic bags everywhere. Everything you buy in the supermarket has
some plastic in or on it. It is all wrapped in it. And when you get your fruit you use
plastic bags there too. But I do think that if we do not start somewhere we will
never get close to being plastic free.

Next time you are at the supermarket have a look around, is there anything that
does not have plastic on it? I bet you will be looking for a while. It is a good start
though. That is why plastic should be banned.

Image result for plastic in ocean

Monday, February 25, 2019

Super Sheet Graph!

Wow! I love google sheets! I was learning to use sheet to make a graph about animals and the number of children. This was my first time using sheets. Here is a link of where I go the information from.

Here is a photo of the graphs:

Have you ever use sheets before?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Persuasive Writing 20.2.19

Jess 18.2.19
W.A.L.T: write a persuasive agreement.

Should homework be banned?

I’ll tell you why I think that homework shouldn’t be banned. It will help your
learning and it will prepare you for high school and it doesn’t take you long.

The first reason is that you will be learning. You will learn how to read really
fast and that will make you go up in levels. When you go up in levels you will
get very smart and your teacher and parents will be proud of you. They can still
be proud of you if you do not usually go up in many levels. You need to be
smart to get a job when you are older and you will need the money to buy
things like food and shelter. If you do homework you will get good at basic
facts by knowing your adding subtracting multiply and division.

The second reason is that you will need to do homework to prepare you for
high school. You will need to get smarter and faster and be at the right levels
when you get to high school. At high school they give you lots of homework
so you need it in primary school to get you use to it.

The third reason is that it really does not take that long. It won’t take you much
more than 30 minutes  (½ an hour) which is about how long it sometimes
takes you to eat your dinner. You still have the rest of the day because you go
to school from 9am to 3pm. There is not loads of work to do so it does not take
long, for example things like basic facts, spelling and read a book are the
main things that you will be doing.

That is why you shouldn’t ban homework. You learn and get prepared for high
school and it doesn’t take long.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing
ripsticks skateboards and bikes etc shouldn't be banned from schools
I am writing about whether I agree or disagree with banning Wheels. I disagree
with it. I will give you three good reasons why you shouldn’t ban wheels.

The first reason is that when you are biking you are getting fitter. It will keep
you in shape. You are also having fun while doing fitness. If you get really fit
you will want to enter some competitions and that can become very good
because you could win good prizes.

Which brings me to the second reason, you are having fun. You'll see people
smile while having fun. You can see that they’re having fun when they're
laughing and learning new tricks and getting all excited for the next playtime.
They will not be fighting but they will be making new friends.

The third reason is that you will be learning. You will be learning new skills and
tricks.The tricks will be like going down big ramps or spinning your scooter
around. You will  be learning balance and safety like being aware of the people
around you and the equipment. Wearing helmets, knee pads and other things
can keep you safe. Also you are having fun when you are learning.

I say we should keep wheels at schools don't you agree school would be
miserable if we did not have wheels here. I asked my classmates what they
think and the large majority said they want to keep wheels in schools.