Tuesday, December 25, 2018

SLJ W2 D3 A1

Week 2
DAY 3: First You ‘Sea’ Me, Now You Don’t…
Activity 1: Night Owls [4 points]
Today I am, telling you whether I am a night owl or an early riser. Then, telling you about
the rest of my family. Are they the same as me?

I wake up at about 7am or 8am and I go to bed at 7:00 pm at night because during school I have to get up
at 6:30am to get on the bus at 7: 15am in the morning. I do not like getting up that early but today my
sister woke up at 6:00 am because it is Christmas and they wanted to open presents before Dad and my
sister had to go to the farm to milk the cows. I did not mind it though because I was going to get up soon
because I wanted to open presents as well. My little sister wakes up so early - between 5:00am and
6:00am. I could not do that. She wakes up so early because she goes to bed at 7:00pm as well as me but
 she falls asleep straight away and it takes me a bit longer I just lay in bed looking at the roof. She goes and
wakes up mum and asks mum if she can go and watch tv. So then mum is awake but I think that mum
would be awake between 6:30am and 7:00 am anyway. If my sister didn’t wake her because she is always
in bed reading her book but in the spring time she goes down the farm to feed the calves once we leave
for school. My older sister likes to sleep in till about 7:30 to 8:30 ish but lately she had been going down
the farm and helping Dad. She does not want to be having to wake at 7:00am to leave at 8:00am.
My Dad has to go and milk the cows so he is up sometimes at about 4:00 to 5:00 ish I do not know how
he does it he is always gone when I wake up. At night my dog comes and sleeps in my bed and on frosty
morning he does not get up for ages because it is to cold for him.

Sourced from Google images Wooden word sign - ‘Sleep’ from HunterandLola.com

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Jess!

    My name is Rachel and I am working with the Summer Learning Journey blogging team this year. It is so great to see that you are actively posting activiies this year. We're thrilled that you have joined us!

    I, personally, found your post really interesting as I grew up in a farming community in Canada. Most of my friends worked on dairy farms and got up at the crack of dawn to milk cows before they got ready for school. I always admired them as I was frequently awake at about 6:00 a.m. but couldn't imagine getting up any earlier!

    Do you think that you'll work with your dad on the farm when you are older? It sounds like it is a huge responsibility to be a farmer. I have huge admiration for you and your family. I think that farming must be one of the toughest jobs around.

    Thank you for all that you and your family do to provide the rest of us with milk to drink. Our family loves drinking milk!

    I hope that you will keep up the great work with your blog this summer.

    See you online again soon, I hope!

    Merry Christmas,


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.