Wednesday, December 18, 2019

SLJ W1 D3 A3

Week 1 
Day 3
Activity 3: Achieving our Dreams [6 points]

For this activity, choose a friend or family member and ask them what their
dream job would be. Please then brainstorm six ways in which you could
support them in achieving their dream job.
On your blog, present your ideas as a poster or infographic.

My sister dream job would be to a nation hockey play. My dream job is to be a
nation hockey player as well. We both play hockey. I would dream to be able to
play hockey overseas.

6 ways I would support my sister to being a professional hockey player would be:

  • Push her to work hard
  • Make sure she keeps exacizing
  • Help her with the equipment she needs
  • Help her when she needs it 
  • Practice with her
  • Pressure her to get better


  1. Hi Molly, thanks for the comment.

    I don't know if I will ever go over see for hockey but it would be awesome I would need to keep fit and train lots. what is your blog link I will come comment on your posts


  2. Hi Molly,

    Thanks your really nice. you are really good as well.I will come comment on your blog :)

    1. Hi Thanks,
      well aren't I a year older than you and I'm not that much better. we are all good at different position. Are you doing all the activity in order because you are way ahead of me on week 2 already and its like only day 4 or something. what are you doing for the holiday? Have you got anything planed for Christmas?

  3. Hi,
    thats nice have fun with your mum. I am doing nothing big probably going to nelson so time these holidays to see my grandma and have a baby cousin coming from Australia on Monday so I will have my 3 baby boy cousins here for Christmas. they were all born in the last year and this will be the first time I see the one from Australia. I like your plan for doing the summer learning journey. I try to post them in order at about they right speed as they are set and comment all the time too.

  4. Hi,
    hopefully not but they are really cute. I am very excited.
    Merry Christmas

  5. Hi, Merry Christmas
    I Know I haven't even got any one any presents yet in my family!:(
    Do you know what you are getting or what do you want for Christmas?
    I want a bike but I know that I won't get on (I am using mums bike at the moment.

    1. Hi
      what is a Apron? I didn´t know what I was getting but I wanted a bike but didn´t think that I would actually get it but I did.
      thanks for the reply


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