Monday, July 29, 2019

Plastic Pollution Speech

Plastic Pollution Speech

Over 100 million marine animals are killed each year by plastic. Isn't that crazy? I
believe that we need to reduce the amount of plastic that we are using. In this
report I am going to persuade you to stop and think before you use any type of
Did you know that we only recycle one plastic bag in every 200 that we use and
we use 1 trillion 500 billion and each year, which is about 21 million each minute?.
Luckily in most supermarkets they have stopped using plastic bags because the
government has banned them. I believe that it is a good thing because they just
get thrown out. Some people think that plastic bags are good because they think
they can reuse them but really it is just goes to landfills after, so it is not helping
the environment. What I find annoying when I go into the supermarket and
everything is wrapped in plastic.I find it annoying because they have only
removed a small amount of plastic. I think that they have made a start but now
need to take the plastic off everything. 
There are alternatives instead of using plastic like the shopkeepers  wrap their
items in paper or other things like bring plastic containers to take your things
Farmers are also apart of the problem because baleage wrap is plastic and
once it is used it gets burnt which is air position, or ends up in landfills. It could
end up in streams, rivers and into the ocean which can kill the sea life. I know that
the baleage wrap is needed on farms but does not help the environment.
Scientists  or farmers need to come up with an idea to not use plastic on baleage
or be able to recycle and reuse it.
Plastic never dissolves, it turns into micro plastics that a human eye can not see
without a microscope. It makes it to the ocean then the fish that live there eat it
and it blocks their airway then it kills them. Micro plastics just ruined the ocean
because it piles up and looks so bad because it makes the coral look brown
instead of its tropical colours. People will not want to swim in the ocean or the
coral reefs because it has been polluted.
Did you know that Americans throw out 30 million tons of plastic a year and eight
percent gets recycled and the rest gets put in landfills or littered or burnt. New
Zealand use 252,000 tons of plastic each year. That is very bad. Surprisingly you
can't recycle most plastics. They are made of toxic chemicals. 33 percent of
plastic is thrown away. Plastic bags are not the only thing that plastic is used on,
straws, plastic bottles and more things are made of plastic.
I help the environment by using beeswax  wraps to wrap my lunch in and try not
to use plastic straws,  also I use reusable bags to put the groceries in. Can you
do something different to help the environment?
I obtained many of my facts via Google.

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