Monday, September 23, 2019

Moment in time of School Camp

Swish Splash Splat! Down I go! Legs in the air snow everywhere. I pick
myself up sloppily and gaze over the amazing view. Johanna asks if I ́m ok
and I yell back  ̈I'm ok, how about you?¨  

The Adrenaline pulses throughout my body. The sun beams above my helmet.
  As other way more experents people fly past me as I slide from left to right to
slow myself down, I feel the wind from them hit me. As the smile beams across
my face from ear to ear I wave back to Mrs T. 

As I get closer to the end I watch Eric taking photos of me. I try to cover my
face but he yells, ̈I still got the photo ̈ I sigh. I scroll my eye up the chair lift that
I was recently on and then gaze over to the bulky mountain that I just
conquered, except when I run into Johanna. I say to myself ̈that was
awesome, I want to go again. ̈

The end

1 comment:

  1. Great work Jess. You were amazing on the ski field. You really conquered your fears.
    It must have been a bit scary going up on the chair lift but exciting whizzing down the slopes.


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