Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SLJ W1 D1 A1

Week 1
Activity 1: Setting Sail
If I was to go on a voyage around the world for 3 weeks the ten food items that I
would take would be:
  1. Bread 
  2. Rice
  3. pasta 
  4. Apples
  5. Banana
  6. Carrots would last along time
  7. Lettuce would last a long time as well 
  8. breakfast cereal (cornflakes)
  9. Cherrys because I love them 
  10. Peanuts for a good snack 

The pasta and rice would last a long time but I don’t know if I could cook it on the
boat.I would also take lots of water maybe a camera to take photos of the scenery
but we might have a limited on the amount of things we could take. I might miss
my family so maybe take a photo of us all together.


  1. Hi Jess

    Welcome back to the Summer Learning Journey. It is great to have you on board again for the third year!
    Great start with the first activity. You have put together a great list of things to take with you on your voyage.
    I am glad that you have added water to your list at the bottom. You would not only need water to drink but also to cook your rice and pasta. You would definitely need your camera, imagine all the amazing things you would see.
    Where would you like to travel to if you had a choice?
    I am going to England in March next year, so I am really excited about that!

    Keep up the awesome work, and don't forget to comment on lots of other students blogs!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi thanks. it is sad that this is my last year doing it. I would like to travel all over the world. I am not sure partially were. have fun it England. thanks for the comments over the summer.


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