Wednesday, December 18, 2019

SLJ W1 D4 A2

Week 1
Day 4
Activity 2: What’s in a Name? [4 points]

For this activity, imagine that you were allowed to change your name to
anything that you wanted.
On your blog, tell us what you would change your name to and why you would
choose that name.
 I could never change my name, I believe that I got my name because my parents
thought that it was the best name and suite it the most and I could never imagine
myself with a different name. I think that my name is the best so I wouldn’t want to
change it, although there are lots of call names out there I am happy with mine.

I was very surprised when I found out that lots of singers have different names I
couldn’t imagine saying there real names.

what would you change your name to?


  1. Hi Jess

    It is really great to hear that you are happy with the name that your parents have given you! I guess as a parent that would be awesome to hear as you put a lot of time and thought into what to call your children.

    I am happy with my name also. But when I was a kid I can remember wanting to change my name to Jennifer not Jenny. I used to think that is just sounded so much more glamorous that my name. I look at it now and I can't imagine myself with a different name.

    Like you I was surprised too when you learn how many people in the entertainment industry who change their names. I was watching TV the other night and a programme about Elton John came on. His real name is Reginald Kenneth Dwight!! Imagine that!!

    Great work Jess

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie,
      Thanks for commenting
      yeah I can´t image me with a different name either! It would be weird if people called me a different name I probably would ignore them because I would think that they are talking to someone else. one of my favourite singer name is Tim McGraw and I just fund out that his real name is actuary Sam. I was so surprised. Have you heard of him, he is a country singer?


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