Wednesday, January 1, 2020

SLJ W3 D2 A1

Week 3


Activity 1: Through Careful Observation [4 points]

For this activity, we would like you to select one of the pictures below and to
study or observe it closely. What do you see?
On your blog, describe the painting in detail. What do you see when you look
at it? Please give us as much detail as you can!

In this photo I see:

 The night and day of a farming town with
anchors and anchors of fields that the cows
and sheep graze on. In the day the Wight
Heron (birds) are shadows in the sky and in the
night they shin. There is a castle at the bottom
were a princess lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess

    I really like reading what you see in this picture. The contrast between the black and the white is just like day and night. I didn't think of that.
    I like that you see the birds as white herons they are a real West Coast icon. And that the squares of what could be like a chess board are the paddocks or fields that the animals will graze in.

    I love that you have a princess living in a castle at the bottom of the picture too. This makes this seem very much like a fairy tale story. It could be part of a mixed up kind of fairy tale!

    You have really put a lot of thought into this one, so well done. I enjoyed reading what you thought about it.

    Great work once again Jess

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.