Sunday, January 20, 2019

SLJ W4 D5 A1

Week 4

DAY 5: The Sky’s the Limit!

Activity 1: Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution [4 points]

Today I am telling you three things that I could do to help save the planet.

I can:
Use reusable straws
Use reusable drink bottles
Use reusable bags

This will help save the environment because it won't be in the ocean or anywhere.

Photo sourced from the SLJ


  1. Hi Jess!

    I like how you have put photos into your post! I agree with you statement! If these materials can't get into the ocean and break down into particles then I say lets change!

    Keep up the awesome work!

  2. Greetings Jess,

    It's great to see you thinking about the things that we could do to save the environment. I love your points and it's wonderful to see that many of our big supermarkets have already began creating a ban on plastic bags. Many cafes and restaurants have also decreased their use of plastic by giving out paper or cardboard straws instead of plastic ones. Our planet and our friends in the ocean will definitely be happy to hear about our gradual change!

    Keep up the awesome effort on attributing your photos, well done Jess! How many of your suggestions do you follow at home? I follow all of them except the one about reusable straws since I don't usually drink with straws too often.

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :)

  3. Hello Jessica,
    I like your blog post. I like your post about what you can do to help the planet.
    Keep up the good work,

  4. Hi Jessica, it's Jennae here from Karoro School.
    Its good to see such good things you can do to help our enviroment.I like how you said with your included image where you got your photo from. You are a natual blogger!


  5. Hey there Jessica!

    My name is Leilani and you have commented on one of my recent blog posts. I came over to your amazing blog to check out your very cool blog posts. I enjoy how you are thinking of ways you can help save the plant. What are some other ideas you have that could also help the planet?

    You have been putting in so much effort in your posts so keep up the great work.

    Kind Regards ,
    Leilani :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.