Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SLJ W1 D2 A1

       Image from Jean Batter


  1. Hi Jess!

    My name is Gabriel, and I am part of this year’s Summer Learning Journey team. I will be helping to comment on your amazing posts over the summer. It is such a wonderful experience to be able to read your blog. It’s great to see what you have done already!

    It’s great to see all the awesome detail that you have put on your Venn Diagram! I really like how you have put in pictures and linked where you got them from!

    I had no idea that Amelia Earheart flew over the Atlantic with Wilmer Stultz! Would you like to fly planes one day? What else would you like to do when you are older?

    One way that you can make your posts even more engaging is to use colour! This engages us readers as we notice the page more :)

    Keep up the great blogging work!


    1. Hi thanks, I have finished the SLJ so you could go see my last post. my grandad use to fly a helicopter and my Mums step dad worked for air rescue. I think that it would be cool to fly a plane.thanks for the positive comment.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.