Tuesday, December 24, 2019

SLJ W2 D3 A2

Week 2
Day 3
Activity 2: The Right to an Education [4 points]

For this activity, we would like you like you to write a short story. The story
can be about anything that you wish but to receive full points it must be at
least 10 sentences long!
On your blog, share your short story. We can’t wait to read it!
This is based on a true story and yes I was the one who fell in the creek.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Kimberly. She was the younger sister to
Hannah. Hannah had a friend named Amy and she was staying at Kimberly and
Hannah house. The next day they went down to there farm in search of something to
do. When they came upon a great idea when they saw the stack of old tyres from
the silage. Their idea was to make a tyre swing but first they had to find the perfect
place. After a few minutes of thinking they knew exactly where the perfect place was
for the tyre swing, but it turned out to be much harder than it looked because they
have to get the tyre over a waist deep creek that was about 1 and a half to two
metres in width. There only plan was that one person carefully cross the creek over
an arching tree and they would through the tyre over. Now This plan was supposed
to work but the tyre didn't think so. As Hannah swung back to throw the tyre over the
clear creek you could see in Amy's face that she was thinking  ́is it going to work or
not ́. Well it was far from working the tyre landed just before the land but was close
enough for kimberly to reach and she grabbed it but it was two heavy so it pulled her
into the water and when she stood up in the freezing water Amy and Hannah started
to laugh so hard. Any way they did get the tyre up and had a good laugh about what
had happened. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess,

    Leisha here again!

    I really loved your short story. I like that you got your inspiration for this story from a real event that happened. It is quite a funny story and I picture everything that was happening. It really did make me giggle. How did the tyre swing end up? Was there a rope to tie it hanging from a tree?

    Well done for another great post. Looking forward to reading the next one.



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