Thursday, January 9, 2020

SLJ W4 D2 A1

Week 4


Activity 1: Getting Stronger [4 points]

For this activity, please give us a list of your ‘Top 5’ favourite artists (singers
or bands) and your ‘Top 5’ favourite songs. They can be from any time period
and any genre (type) of music.
On your blog, post lists of your Top 5 Artists and your Top 5 Songs.
My favourite singers
  1. Tim MicGraw & Faith Hill
  2. Carrie Underwood
  3. Luke Brian 
  4. Garth Brooks
  5. Reba McEntire
My favourite songs 
  1. Humble and kind 
  2. Most people are good 
  3. May we all 
  4. Hunting and fishing loving every day
  5. Kick the dust up


  1. Hi Jess
    Well done on Making such a clear presentation, Good job. I haven't heard these songs before how would you rate them out of 10?
    Keep it up

    1. Hi Molly. thanks I am not surprised that you haven't heard of the songs because they are country songs. I really like them but most my friends don´t like country music so you probably wouldn´t like them.
      thank you

    2. Hey
      I will search them up now see if I like them.

  2. Hi Jess

    Well you are a very big country music fan then. You have got some great artists and songs on your list.

    I was watching a short video that came up on you tube the other day. If you have a look at it, it is great. It is Gracie McGraw singing in the car with her Dad Tim. They are singing a Barbara Streisand song. She really has an amazing voice.

    Let me know what you think?

    You would be able to make a great playlist to sing along with in the car with all of these songs.

    Great work Jess!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.