Monday, December 24, 2018

SLJ W2 D2 A1

Week 2

DAY 2: Fabulous Flora

Activity 1: Weaving a Tall Tale…[4 points]
Today I had to tell you whether or not I would like to try flax weaving. Does it interest me?
Why or why not?

I think that I have weaved once when I was younger but I have know
idea how to now but the fish looked cool. I would definitely want to
try it again.It is interesting because you can fold it in so many way
to make different things. I would need lots of practice. I really like
how people make flowers. I have a flax bush at my house so if I was
learning how to fold flax's they would all be scrunched up or folded

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jess,

    It's great to hear that you have done some weaving before! Weaving definitely takes a lot of time, patience and practice but it can be a very rewarding experience. Did you know that back in the day Māori could make baskets (kete) within a few minutes? You would have to be quite skilled to be able to work that fast. Flax weaving was very convenient for them because they could make a kete wherever and whenever they needed since flax is so widespread in New Zealand.

    I've seen flax weaved flowers before and they look amazing, yes. Oh, you have a flax bush right in the convenience of your own home. Maybe you could start practising and see what kinds of brilliant and interesting creations you could come up with! It'll take some time but the process can be quite fun, especially when you gather your family and friends to do it with you.

    Keep up the hard work,
    Evelyn :D


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